Research progress on the relationship between myasthenia gravis and diaphragm
投稿时间:2024-05-30  修订日期:2024-05-30
中文关键词: 重症肌无力  膈肌  呼吸功能  综述
英文关键词: Research progress on the relationship between myasthenia gravis and diaphragm
张燕迪 北京大学人民医院神经内科 100044
贺超 北京大学人民医院神经内科雄安宣武医院神经内科 
毛春燕 北京大学人民医院神经内科 
朱利娜 北京大学人民医院神经内科 
袁远 北京,北京大学人民医院神经内科 100044
摘要点击次数: 306
全文下载次数: 0
      Myasthenic crisis occurs in approximately 15%–20% of patients with MG usually within the first 2 to 3 y of the disease course[1], which involves respiratory muscles, resulting in cough weakness and dyspnea, which cannot maintain normal ventilation function and must be assisted by ventilators [1]. Early assessment of respiratory muscle function in MG patients can provide evidence for the risk of myasthenic crisis. The diaphragm, as the main respiratory muscle, separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and is closely related to respiratory function. However, the literature on the function of the diaphragm has not been effectively integrated in the past. This article will summarize the influencing factors of myasthenia gravis antibody, clinical classification, mechanism, manifestation, examination and diagnosis methods of diaphragmatic dysfunction, so as to provide a certain reference for further research and clinical application of respiratory function in MG patients.
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