罗亮 ,王荣品.多模态磁共振在缺血性脑卒中评估中的运用进展[J].神经损伤功能重建,2025,(1):41-44
Advancements in Application of Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Assessmentof Ischemic Stroke
中文关键词: 多模态磁共振  缺血性脑卒中  评估
英文关键词: multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging  ischemic stroke  assessment
基金项目:贵州省高层次人才 创新项目(黔科合 平台人才-GCC[20 22]041-1)
罗亮1 ,王荣品2 1. 贵州中医药大学 基础医学院 2. 贵州省人民医院 医学影像科 
摘要点击次数: 51
全文下载次数: 43
      脑卒中作为常见病、多发病严重影响人的生命健康,由此带来的各种功能障碍对其个人日常生活和 社会参与带来严重危害。如何预测脑卒中的预后和评估疗效一直是脑卒中临床治疗中的难题。随着磁共 振技术的发展,不同成像原理的检查序列能够从结构、功能的不同角度去观察大脑的损伤,并且具有安全 性、无创性以及可重复、量化、动态观察的优点。本文总结了目前多模态磁共振技术在缺血性脑卒中评估 中的运用进展,为脑卒中的预后及疗效评估提供参考。
      Stroke, as a common and frequently occurring disease, severely impacts people's life and health, and the various functional impairments it causes pose significant hazards to individuals' daily lives and social participation. Predicting stroke prognosis and assessing treatment efficacy have always been challenges in clinical stroke management. With the advancement of magnetic resonance technology, examination sequences based on different imaging principles can observe brain injuries from various structural and functional perspectives, offering advantages such as safety, non-invasiveness, repeatability, quantifiability, and dynamic observation. This article summarizes the current progress in the application of multimodal magnetic resonance technology in the assessment of ischemic stroke, providing a reference for the prognosis and treatment efficacy evaluation of stroke.
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