刘珺, ,熊杰,.抑郁障碍患者非自杀式自伤行为及其影响因素分析[J].神经损伤功能重建,2025,(1):17-20
Analysis of Non-suicidal Self-injury Behaviors and Their Influencing Factors in Patients withDepressive Disorders
中文关键词: 抑郁障碍  非自杀式自伤行为  抑郁和焦虑症状  亲子依恋  成年依恋
英文关键词: depressive disorder  non-suicidal self-injury  depression and anxiety  parent-child attachment  adult attachment
基金项目:武汉市医学科研项 目立项项目(抑郁 障碍患者的非自杀 性自伤行为与亲密 关系的研究 ,No. WX20B08)
刘珺1,2 ,熊杰1,2 1. 武汉市精神卫生 中心 2. 武汉市心理医院 心身医学病区 
摘要点击次数: 46
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      目的:了解抑郁障碍患者非自杀式自伤行为(non-suicidal self-injury,NSSI)的相关影响因素。方法:采 用定量分析法及封闭式结构问卷纳入抑郁障碍患者,根据健康问卷-抑郁症状群量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)、17项汉密尔顿抑郁量表(the 17-Item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression,HAMD-17)、 14 项汉密尔顿焦虑量表(the 14-Item Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety,HAMA-14)测评分为无 NSSI 组和 NSSI组,每组60例,比较各组一般人口学资料、抑郁和焦虑症状[HAMA评分、HAMD评分]、有无自杀意念、 父母及同伴依恋问卷(父子信任、母子信任、父子沟通、母子沟通、父子疏离、母子疏离)、亲密关系经历量表 (Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory,ECR),分析导致抑郁障碍患者发生NSSI的因素。结果:2组在 HAMA评分(t=20.256)、HAMD评分(t=16.854)、有自杀意念(χ 2 =14.903)、父母及同伴依恋(t=4.075、6.542、 4.520、6.941、7.565、8.593)、ECR 依恋分布(χ 2 =5.546)上相比存在明显差异(OR=4.875、3.440、2.508、3.997、 2.374、1.360、3.445,P=0.001、0.028、0.035、0.025、0.031、0.038、0.029);经相关性及 Logistic 回归分析显示, HAMA评分、HAMD评分、有自杀意念、亲子依恋、成年依恋是导致抑郁障碍患者发生NSSI的主要影响因素 (P<0.05)。结论:抑郁障碍患者发生NSSI的情况较为严重,抑郁和焦虑症状、有自杀意念、亲子依恋、成年 依恋是导致其发生的主要影响因素。
      To investigate the influencing factors of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in patients with depressive disorder. Methods: Quantitative analysis and closed questionnaires were used to investigate outpatients and inpatients with depressive disorders. According to the evaluation results of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the 17-Item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and the 14-Item Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAMD-14), the patients enrolled were divided into non-NSSI group and NSSI group, with 60 cases in each group. The general demographic information, depression and anxiety (HAMA score and HAMD score), presence or absence of suicidal idea, parental and peer attachment questionnaire (father-child trust, mother-child trust, father-child communication, mother-child communication, father-child alienation, and mother-child alienation) scores, and Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory (ECR) scores were compared between groups. The influencing factors of NSSI in patients with depressive disorder were analyzed based on the final results. Results: There were significant differences between the two groups in terms of HAMA score (t=20.256), HAMD score (t=16.854), suicidal idea (χ 2 =14.903), parental and peer attachment (t= 4.075, 6.542, 4.520, 6.941, 7.565, 8.593), and ECR attachment distribution (χ2 =5.546) (OR=4.875, 3.440, 2.508, 3.997, 2.374, 1.360, 3.445, P=0.001, 0.028, 0.035, 0.025, 0.031, 0.038, 0.029). Correlation analysis and Logistic regression analysis showed that HAMA score, HAMD score, suicidal idea, parent-child attachment, and adult attachment were main influencing factors of NSSI in patients with depressive disorder (P<0.05). Conclusion: Patients with depressive disorders have relatively severe NSSI. Depression and anxiety, suicidal idea, parent-child attachment and adult attachment are main influencing factors.
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