Sex Differences in the Extinction of Conditioned Fear in Wild-Type C57 Mice
投稿时间:2024-12-30  修订日期:2024-12-30
中文关键词: 恐惧消退  性别差异  条件性恐惧  消退检索  僵直  恐惧学习
英文关键词: Fear Extinction  Sex Differences  Conditioned Fear  Extinction Retrieval  Freezing  Fear Conditioning
吴隆鑫 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 100069
刘卓群 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 
孙晓红 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 
周岩 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 
徐群渊 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 
雷慧萌 首都医科大学基础医学院神经生物学系 100069
摘要点击次数: 222
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      目的:探究雌性和雄性C57 WT小鼠在条件性恐惧消退实验中是否存在行为学上的差异,为在恐惧学习与消退相关研究中平等使用不同性别的小鼠提供参考。 方法:通过声音介导的条件性恐惧学习、消退、检索实验,检测条件刺激(Conditioned Stimulus, CS)呈现时的恐惧水平、僵直次数、单次僵直的恐惧水平以及运动能力等指标,比较性别之间的行为学差异。 结果:在条件性恐惧学习和消退实验中,雌性和雄性小鼠在4个行为学指标上没有显著差异;条件性恐惧检索实验中雌性小鼠在第1次CS呈现时单次僵直恐惧水平更高,其余行为学指标无显著差异。 结论:不同性别的C57 WT小鼠在条件性恐惧学习和消退实验中没有行为学差异,可平等地用于研究中;在对恐惧消退记忆的维持能力上雌性和雄性小鼠可能存在差异,在恐惧记忆研究中要谨慎使用。
      Objective: To investigate whether there are behavioral differences between female and male C57 WT mice in the conditioned fear extinction experiment, providing a basis for the equitable use of mice of different genders in fear conditioning and extinction research. Methods: Through the experiments of sound-mediated fear conditioning, extinction, and extinction retrieval experiments, behavioral differences between genders were analyzed by comparing the overall fear response, the frequency of freezing episodes, the fear level during single freezing, and motor performance during the presentation of the conditioned stimulus. Results: In the fear conditioning and extinction experiments, no significant behavioral differences were observed between female and male mice across four indicators. During the extinction retrieval experiment, female mice exhibited a higher fear level during single freezing during the first CS. At the same time, there were no significant differences in the other behavioral indicators. Conclusion: C57 WT mice of different genders do not show behavioral differences in fear conditioning and extinction and can be used interchangeably in such behavioral research. There may be differences in how female and male mice retain memories of overcoming fear, warranting caution in their use in fear memory studies.
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