刘同岩 ,李元 ,周凌云.孤立性双侧外展神经麻痹病因学分析[J].神经损伤功能重建,2024,(12):788-792
Etiological Analysis of Isolated Bilateral Abductor Nerve Paralysis
中文关键词: 双侧外展神经麻痹  孤立性  病因学  综述
英文关键词: bilateral abductor nerve paralysis  isolation  etiology  review
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 项 目(基 于 miR-21 调控巨噬细胞极化 眶内电针促进动眼 神经损伤后修复机 制的研究,No. 8207 4524);黑龙江中医 药大学研究生创新 科研项目(眶内电针 调 控 miR-21/JNK/ p53通路促进动眼神 经损伤大鼠神经元 突触重塑机制研究, No. 2024yjscx103)
刘同岩1 ,李元2 ,周凌云2 1. 黑龙江中医药大 学 2. 哈尔滨医科大学 附属第一医院针灸 科 
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      孤立性双侧外展神经麻痹是一种双侧外展神经同时受损而不伴有其他颅神经损害的病症,临床表 现以视物双影、双眼外转运动受限为特征。既往文献类型以个案报道为主,涉及到的病因及病理机制繁杂 且说法不一。本文侧重于孤立性双侧外展神经麻痹,基于近10年国内外双侧外展神经麻痹有关文献报 道,对双侧外展神经麻痹病因、病理机制以及鉴别诊断进行分析,将其病因归纳为继发性、先天性及特发性 三大类,病理机制概括为过度牵拉、直接压迫、血液神经毒性物质、营养缺乏、供血障碍等进行分析。以期 为双侧外展神经麻痹的病因学研究及临床诊疗提供思路。
      Isolated bilateral abducens nerve palsy is a condition characterized by simultaneous damage to both abducens nerves without involvement of other cranial nerves, with clinical manifestations primarily featuring double vision and limited outward movement of both eyes. Previous literature mainly consists of case reports, involving complex and varying etiologies and pathological mechanisms. This article focuses on isolated bilateral abducens nerve palsy, analyzing the causes, pathological mechanisms, and differential diagnosis based on domestic and international literature reports on bilateral abducens nerve palsy over the past decade. The etiologies are categorized into three major types: secondary, congenital, and idiopathic. Pathological mechanisms include excessive traction, direct compression, blood-neurotoxic substances, nutritional deficiencies, and vascular supply disorders. The aim is to provide insights for the etiological research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of bilateral abducens nerve palsy.
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