Mindfulness Therapy: Application and Advancements in Treating Anxiety Disorders
中文关键词: 正念疗法  焦虑障碍  机制  疗效
英文关键词: mindfulness therapy  anxiety disorders  mechanism  efficacy
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 项目(疫情相关焦 虑障碍风险预测模 型建立及多模态诊 疗新方案的研究, No. 82090034);运 用华为可穿戴设备 评估运动疗法改善 情绪障碍效果分析 临床科研项目(No. 2019090)
王紫薇,张函,夏叶,史珂,冯捷,杨渊 华中科技大学同济 医学院附属同济医 院神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 185
全文下载次数: 134
      焦虑障碍是一种高患病率、易复发的慢性精神疾病。正念疗法作为一种心理治疗的新兴方式,在焦 虑障碍治疗中展现了广阔的应用前景。本文综述了正念疗法的主要起源、发展及其在焦虑障碍治疗中的 具体应用,并进一步探讨了其潜在的作用机制。正念疗法在缓解患者焦虑症状、提高生活质量等方面具有 一定疗效,其疗效不劣于一线治疗药物或认知行为疗法。但正念疗法的长期疗效仍需进一步验证,最佳治 疗方案有待优化,对不同亚型焦虑障碍的疗效可能存在差异。未来需开展更多高质量研究,进一步探讨正 念疗法在焦虑障碍中的应用,揭示其作用机制,完善治疗方案,最终促进其在临床中规范化推广应用。
      Anxiety disorders represent chronic mental health conditions characterized by high incidence rates and a propensity for recurrence. As a novel form of psychological intervention, mindfulness therapy has exhibited promising applications in the management of anxiety disorders. This paper reviews the primary origins and evolution of mindfulness therapy and its practical uses in treating anxiety disorders, delving into its underlying mechanisms. Mindfulness therapy has proven effective in reducing anxiety symptoms and enhancing life quality, with outcomes comparable to those of first-line medications or cognitive-behavioral therapies. Nevertheless, the sustained effectiveness of mindfulness therapy requires additional validation, ideal treatment plans need refinement, and its impact may differ across various anxiety disorder subtypes. Future research should focus on advancing our understanding of mindfulness therapy’s role in anxiety disorders, clarifying its mechanisms, perfecting therapeutic approaches, and facilitating its standardized use in clinical settings.
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