陈真真 ,王鲁阳 ,李雲娜 ,张梦 ,胡雪梅 ,旃培艳.帕金森病患者脑白质高信号 与运动障碍和认知功能损害的相关性[J].神经损伤功能重建,2024,(12):735-739
帕金森病患者脑白质高信号 与运动障碍和认知功能损害的相关性
Correlation of White Matter Hyperintensity Burden with Motor and Cognitive Impairment inPatients with Parkinson's Disease
中文关键词: 帕金森病  脑白质高信号  运动障碍  认知障碍
英文关键词: Parkinson’s disease  white matter hyperintensity  motor impairment  cognitive impairment
基金项目:武汉市卫生健康委 面上项目(基于脑连 接组学的帕金森病 临床异质性研究, No. WX21A08);武 汉市卫生健康委青 年项目(天麻钩藤饮 治疗早期帕金森病 的有效性评价及神 经网络机制研究, No. WZ22Q38)
陈真真a ,王鲁阳a ,李雲娜a ,张梦a ,胡雪梅a ,旃培艳b 华中科技大学同济 医学院附属武汉市 中心医院 a. 神经内 科b. 老年病科 
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      目的:探索帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)患者的脑白质高信号(white matter hyperintensies, WMH)对临床运动障碍与认知功能损害的相关性及影响因素。方法:纳入125例原发性PD患者,评估患 者的运动功能和认知功能等相关临床资料,同时采集患者的影像学资料(T1、T2和 FLAIR 序列)。根据 Fazekas量表评分将患者分为三组,其中轻度WMH组73例、中度WMH组32例、重度WMH组20例。应用 Spearman相关分析和有序多分类Logistic回归分析,探索WMH与PD患者运动和认知损害的相关性,以及 WMH的影响因素。结果:年龄大、合并高血压和糖尿病的PD患者WMH程度较重,且随着WMH的程度 加重,患者的运动障碍和认知障碍逐渐加重;WMH负荷与PD患者的运动障碍及认知障碍的严重程度相 关,尤其与特定的认知域(视空间功能、语言功能和执行功能)受损密切相关;高血压、糖尿病和执行功能差 是PD患者WMH严重程度的独立危险因素。结论:WMH严重程度的增加与PD患者的运动障碍和认知功 能受损有关。
      To explore the correlation and influencing factors of white matter hyperintensity (WMH) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) on clinical motor and cognitive impairment. Methods: A total of 125 patients with primary PD were enrolled. The clinical data of motor function and cognitive function were evaluated, and the imaging data (T1, T2 and FLAIR sequences) were collected. According to the score of Fazekas scale, the patients were divided into three groups, including 73 mild WMH group, 32 moderate WMH group and 20 severe WMH group. Spearman correlation analysis and ordered multiple Logistic regression analysis were used to determine the correlation between WMH and motor and cognitive impairment in PD patients, as well as the influencing factors of WMH. Results: Older PD patients with hypertension and diabetes had more severe WMH, and with the increase of WMH, the movement disorders and cognitive disorders of the patients gradually increased. WMH load is closely related to the severity of motor and cognitive impairment in PD patients, especially the impairment of specific cognitive domains (visuospatial, language and executive function). Hypertension, diabetes, and poor executive function are independent risk factors for WMH severity in PD patients. Conclusion: The increase of WMH severity is associated with motor and cognitive impairment in PD patients.
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