杨桂伶,董环,贾占坤,王霞,刘洁.中老年人生活方式对衰弱的影响-基于CHARLS的 回顾性研究[J].神经损伤功能重建,2024,(12):730-734
中老年人生活方式对衰弱的影响-基于CHARLS的 回顾性研究
Lifestyle Influences on Frailty among Middle-Aged and Elderly Population: a RetrospectiveAnalysis Using CHARLS Data
中文关键词: 衰弱  生活方式  中老年人  回顾性研究
英文关键词: fraity  life style  middle-aged and older adults  retrospective analysis
杨桂伶,董环,贾占坤,王霞,刘洁 航天中心医院心脏 医学部 
摘要点击次数: 178
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      目的:分析中老年人生活方式因素对衰弱的影响,为老年人群的衰弱管理提供理论依据。方法:抽 取中国健康与养老追踪调查数据库(CHARLS)中的中老年人(≥45岁)数据6945例,通过测量衰弱指数 (frailty index,FI)评估衰弱水平;同时收集入组研究对象的社会人口信息、生活方式和健康状况等。统计、 分析生活方式对中老年人衰弱的影响。结果:经二元Logistic回归分析,调整性别、年龄、教育水平和婚姻 状况后,饮酒最高频率>2 次/d(OR=1.85,95% CI 1.00~3.39,P<0.047)、午睡时长>30 min(OR=1.57, 95% CI 1.22~2.02,P<0.001)、自我报告健康状态低于“好”(OR=1.53,95% CI 1.25~1.85,P<0.001)的中 老年人发生衰弱的风险较高;高强度体力活动(OR=0.69,95% CI 0.55~0.84,P<0.001)、饮酒最高频率 ≤1 次/d(OR=0.79,95% CI 0.65~0.96,P=0.018)、夜间睡眠时长≥6 h(OR=0.71,95% CI 0.62~0.81,P< 0.001)的中老年人发生衰弱的风险较低。结论:饮酒、睡眠、身体活动等生活方式可能与虚弱状态有关;健 康的生活方式可能有助于降低中老年人衰弱状态的发生。
      To analyze the impact of lifestyle factors on frailty in middle-aged and older adults, providing a theoretical basis for the management of frailty in this population. Methods: Data from 6945 individuals aged ≥45 years were extracted from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) database. Frailty levels were assessed using the frailty index (FI). Social demographic information, lifestyle, and health status of the participants were also collected. The influence of lifestyle on frailty in middle-aged and older adults was statistically analyzed. Results: After adjusting for gender, age, education level, and marital status through binary logistic regression analysis, it was found that middle-aged and older adults with the highest frequency of alcohol consumption >2 times/day (OR=1.85, 95% CI 1.00-3.39, P<0.047), nap duration >30 minutes (OR=1.57, 95% CI 1.22-2.02, P<0.001), and self-reported health status below“good”(OR=1.53, 95% CI 1.25-1.85, P<0.001) had a higher risk of frailty; those with high-intensity physical activity (OR=0.69, 95% CI 0.55-0.84, P<0.001), alcohol consumption frequency ≤1 time/day (OR=0.79, 95% CI 0.65-0.96, P=0.018), and nighttime sleep duration ≥6 hours (OR=0.71, 95% CI 0.62-0.81, P<0.001) had a lower risk of frailty. Conclu⁃ sion: Lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, sleep, and physical activity may be associated with frailty status; a healthy lifestyle may help reduce the incidence of frailty in middle-aged and older adults.
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