许维, ,王梦寰, ,王晨光 ,江钟立, ,高婧 ,林枫,,.吸气后屏气和缩唇呼气的脑功能活动特征研究[J].神经损伤功能重建,2024,(12):694-699
Study of Functional Brain Characteristics during Inhale-hold and Pursed-lip Expiratory
中文关键词: 功能性近红外光谱技术  大脑皮质  屏气  缩唇呼气  呼气肌
英文关键词: functional near-infrared spectroscopy  cerebral cortex  breath holding  pursed-lip expiration  expiratory muscles
基金项目:南京医科大学科技 发展基金(基于机 器学习实施声学反 馈辅助咳嗽训练, No. NMUB201829 5)
许维1,2 ,王梦寰1,2 ,王晨光2 ,江钟立2,3 ,高婧2 ,林枫1,2,3 1. 南京医科大学康 复医学院 2. 南京医科大学附 属逸夫医院康复医 学科 3. 南京医科大学第 一附属医院康复医 学科 
摘要点击次数: 157
全文下载次数: 139
      目的:通过检测不同呼吸运动模式的大脑皮质激活状态,探究随意呼吸动作的大脑调控机制。方法: 招募健康男性7例和健康女性16例。设置2种运动任务:吸气-屏气(呼气肌等长收缩)、吸气-缩唇呼气(呼 气肌等张收缩)。受试者执行任务时检测功能性近红外光谱(functional near-infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS), 比较2种任务下脑氧合血红蛋白浓度(HbO2)浓度信号的时间变化和空间分布差异。结果:在吸气-屏气任 务时,双侧初级运动皮质(BA4)、双侧运动前区/辅助运动区(BA6)、双侧背外侧前额叶皮质(BA46)、双侧额 极区和眶额区(BA10、BA11)、双侧初级视觉皮质(BA17)、右侧初级躯体感觉皮质(BA1、BA2、BA3)、右侧 额下回前部(BA47)以及左侧视觉联合皮质(BA18)显著激活。在缩唇呼气任务时,脑皮质显著激活区在双 侧额极区(BA10)和眶额区(BA11)。2 种任务比较发现,屏气较缩唇呼气在右侧运动前区/辅助运动区 (BA6)激活更强。结论:随意吸气后实施屏气或缩唇呼气动作特征性地表现为前额叶占主导的感觉运动皮 质活动。呼气肌的等长收缩和等张收缩存在中枢控制差异。
      To explore the central nervous control mechanism of voluntary respiratory movements by detecting the cortical activation patterns under different respiratory tasks. Methods: Seven healthy males and 16 females were recruited. Two motor tasks were set up: inhale-hold (isometric contraction of expiratory muscles) and pursed-lip expiratory (isotonic contraction of expiratory muscles). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to measure changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration (HbO2) over time and spatial distribution differences between the two tasks. Results: During the inhale-hold task, significant activation was observed in bilateral primary motor cortex (BA4), bilateral premotor/supplementary motor area (BA6), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA46), bilateral frontal pole and orbitofrontal regions (BA10, BA11), bilateral primary visual cortex (BA17), right primary somatosensory cortex (BA1, BA2, BA3), right inferior frontal gyrus anterior part (BA47), and left visual association cortex (BA18). In the pursed-lip expiration task, significant cortical activation was seen in bilateral frontal pole (BA10) and orbitofrontal areas (BA11). Comparing the two tasks, holding breath resulted in stronger activation than pursed-lip expiration in the right premotor area/supplementary motor area (BA6). Conclusion: Voluntary inspiratory actions followed by holding breath or pursed-lip expiration are characterized by frontally dominant sensorimotor cortical activity. There are central control differences between isometric and concentric contractions of the expiratory muscles.
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