Path analysis of the Relationships between exercise behaviors and mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease
投稿时间:2024-11-18  修订日期:2024-11-18
中文关键词: 帕金森病  轻度认知障碍  运动  路径分析
英文关键词: Parkinson disease  Mild cognitive impairment  Exercise  Path analysis
汤若男 中国人民解放军总医院第二医学中心神经内科 100853
王玉玲 中国人民解放军总医院卫勤训练中心 100853
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      目的:构建结构方程模型,分析运动习惯对帕金森病轻度认知障碍的影响路径。 方法:通过横断面研究,选择2021年10月-2023年6月期间在北京市解放军总医院帕金森病门诊就诊的PD患者151例,采用一般资料问卷、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)、国际统一帕金森评定量表第三部分(UPDRS-Ⅲ)、帕金森睡眠量表-2(PDSS-2)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)对患者进行调查。采用Mplus 8.3软件进行关联路径分析。 结果:运动习惯与PD-MCI诊断风险之间的直接与间接关联路径均显著(P<0.05),包括运动习惯→PD-MCI(-0.153[-0.305,-0.006])、运动习惯→运动症状→PD-MCI(-0.070[-0.129, -0.029])、运动习惯→运动症状→抑郁症状→PD-MCI(-0.025[-0.051, -0.011])、运动习惯→运动症状→睡眠质量→PD-MCI(-0.011[-0.028, -0.003])、运动习惯→抑郁症状→PD-MCI(-0.030[-0.067, -0.005])。 结论:运动习惯可直接预测PD-MCI的诊断风险,亦可以分别通过运动症状、抑郁症状中介作用,以及运动症状与抑郁症状或者睡眠质量结合的链式中介效应间接预测PD-MCI的诊断风险。在制定预防和改善PD-MCI的运动计划时应充分考虑其中的中介因素。
      Objective A structural equation model was constructed to analyze the effect of exercise on the patients with PD-MCI. Methods In this cross-sectional study, a total of one hundred and fifty-one PD patients who visited the PD Clinic of our hospital were collected by convenience sampling method from October 2020 to June 2022. All of them were investigated with general information questionnaire, Montreal cognitive assessment(MoCA), unified Parkinson's disease rating scale(UPDRS-Ⅲ), Parkinson’s disease sleep scale-2(PDSS-2) and Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD). Mplus 8.3 was used to path analysis. Results The direct and indirect correlation paths between exercise and PD-MCI were significant, including exercise →PD-MCI (-0.153[-0.305,-0.006]), exercise →motor symptoms →PD-MCI (-0.070[-0.129, -0.029]), exercise →motor symptoms →depression →PD-MCI(-0.025[-0.051, -0.011]), exercise →motor symptoms →sleep quality →PD-MCI (-0.011[-0.028, -0.003]),exercise →depression →PD-MCI(-0.030[-0.067, -0.005]) . Conclusions Exercise can directly predict PD-MCI diagnosis, or indirectly predict PD-MCI diagnosis through the mediating effects of motor symptoms and depression, as well as the chain mediating effects of motor symptoms and depression or sleep quality. Formulations of exercise programs for PD-MCI prevention and improvement should consider the mediating factors.
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