Exploring Functional Brain Network Associated with the Urination Awareness during Bladder Filling State Based on fNIRSSHI Yinshuang1,2, WANG Menghuan1,2, PAN Yingying1,2, LIN Feng2,3,4.
投稿时间:2024-10-08  修订日期:2024-10-08
中文关键词: 功能性近红外光谱技术  尿意  功能连接  脑网络
英文关键词: fNIRS  urination awareness  functional connectivity  brain network
施银霜 南京医科大学康复医学院 210029
王梦寰 南京医科大学康复医学院 
潘颖颖 南京医科大学康复医学院 
林枫 南京医科大学附属逸夫医院 211100
摘要点击次数: 85
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      目的:感知尿意并作出恰当应对,是健康膀胱控制功能的基本体现。本研究拟探索健康成人强烈尿意状态时的脑功能网络特征。方法:纳入健康受试者,分别在膀胱充盈和空虚时进行静息态功能近红外光谱技术(fNIRS)测试。应用自动解剖标记图谱(AAL)将大脑皮质分为23个感兴趣区(ROI),比较每个ROI的状态间HbO2水平。根据各ROI的时间序列数据,建立非凸高斯图模型,图模型的边权表示功能连接(FC)强度。提取各个受试者的脑网络的骨干结构,用以比较同一边权在两种膀胱状态下的强度差异。最后在每种状态下,把所有受试者时间序列数据取平均,由此形成总数据用于构建图模型,继而提取骨干子网络进行可视化分析。结果:共19名健康受试者。相比于膀胱充盈态,右侧枕上回在膀胱空虚态时的HbO2中位数显著偏高(P= 0.0401)。其余ROI未见显著状态间差异。充盈态显著偏强的FC为:“左眶部额中回—右眶部额下回”(P= 0.0036)和“右颞极颞上回—右颞中回”(P= 0.0245);空虚态显著偏强的FC为:“左额上回—左眶部额中回”(P= 0.0411)。相比于空虚态,在膀胱充盈态时额叶有更多且更强的内外FC,尤其是左侧额叶与右侧视听、运动和躯体感觉、扣带回-岛盖系统及腹侧颞叶联合系统的跨半球FC。结论:尿意相关的脑功能网络在范围上涉及额-顶系统、躯体感觉、视听系统、扣带回-岛盖系统、腹侧颞叶联合系统等多个脑网络模块,在活动模式上具有功能性暗网络特征。
      Objective: Perceiving the urination awareness and responding appropriately is essential for healthy bladder control function. The study intends to explore the characteristics of functional brain networks during intense urinary states in healthy adults. Methods: Healthy subjects were included and underwent resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) testing when the bladder was full and empty, respectively. Automatic anatomical labelling atlas (AAL) was applied to divide the cerebral cortex into 23 regions of interest (ROIs), and interstate HbO2 levels were compared for each ROI. Gaussian graphical model with nonconvex regularization was built based on the time-series data of each ROI, and the edge weights of the graphical model indicated the strength of functional connectivity (FC). The backbone structure of the brain network of each subject was extracted and used to compare the difference in strength of the same side weights in the two bladder states. Finally, in each state, the ti
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