Comparison of Chemosensory Dysfunction In Patients with Covid-19 Caused By DifferentStrain of SARS-CoV-2 In Wuhan
中文关键词: 嗅觉  味觉  新型冠状病毒  奥密克戎
英文关键词: olfactory  gustatory  Coronavirus  Omicron
段冰玉,刘丹,张肖,许黎,王贺 湖北省中西医结合 医院耳鼻咽喉-头 颈外科 
摘要点击次数: 98
全文下载次数: 110
      目的:比较不同毒株SARS-Cov-2感染后的COVID-19特征,特别是对味觉和嗅觉的影响。方法:选 取武汉市43例由奥密克戎感染引起的住院患者,与武汉原始毒株感染的COVID-19患者进行倾向值匹配, 比较2组患者的临床特征和实验室资料。结果:与原始毒株组相比,奥密克戎组患者合并糖尿病、恶性肿瘤 等基础疾病和吸烟史的可能性更高。奥密克戎组患者更易出现疲劳、呼吸短促、咳嗽、鼻塞、鼻漏等症状。 2组间嗅觉障碍和味觉障碍发生率差异无统计学意义。有味觉障碍的患者血清白介素-6和白介素-8低于 无味觉障碍的患者。结论:奥密克戎感染的患者相关基础疾病较多。在住院患者中由奥密克戎引起的化 学感受器功能障碍的发生率与原毒株相似。
      To compare different clinical features and laboratory data of infection of different variants of SARS-CoV-2, especially the impact on the sense of smell and taste. Methods: Forty-three hospitalized COVID-19 patients caused by Omicron variant (Omicron group) in Wuhan was enrolled. A previous published cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (original group) during the first pandemic in Wuhan were age, sex, and disease severity-matched to the Omicron group in a ratio of 1∶1. The clinical features and laboratory data were compared between groups. Results: Patients in Omicron group were more likely to be comorbid with diabetes, malignancy and smoking history compared to original group. More patients in Omicron group complained fatigue, short of breath, cough, nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea. No significant difference in the incidence of olfactory dysfunction or gustatory dysfunction was found between groups. The serum IL-6 and IL-8 were lower in patients with gustatory dysfunction compared to those without gustatory dysfunction. Conclusion: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients caused by Omicron variant are with more comorbidities. The incidence of chemosensory dysfunction was similar in the hospitalized patients caused by Omicron and original strain.
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