李汶窈, ,李玲 ,廖宗峰 ,尚亚辉.脑卒中照顾者益处发现的研究进展[J].神经损伤功能重建,2024,(5):299-302
Research Progress on Benefit Finding for Stroke Caregivers
中文关键词: 脑卒中  益处发现  照顾者  影响因素  综述
英文关键词: stroke  benefit finding  caregivers  influencing factors  review
基金项目:华中科技大学同济 医学院附属同济医 院 科 研 基 金(No. 2021D03)
李汶窈1,2 ,李玲1 ,廖宗峰1 ,尚亚辉12 1. 华中科技大学同 济医学院附属同济 医院神经内科 2. 华中科技大学同 济医学院护理学院 
摘要点击次数: 728
全文下载次数: 1666
      脑卒中是一种常见的脑血管疾病,随卒中人数的增加对护理的需求也在不断扩大。家庭照顾者多承 担主要的护理角色,长期繁重的照护任务会使照顾者身心疲劳,出现焦虑、抑郁等心理问题,同时也对患者 的康复和生活质量造成负面影响。照顾者益处发现是照顾者在照顾过程中产生的一系列积极改变,有利 于减少照顾者负面情绪和促进患者康复。本文对脑卒中照顾者的益处发现进行综述,旨在为提高脑卒中 照顾者照护质量和心理健康水平提供参考。
      Stroke is a common cerebrovascular disease. With the increasing number of stroke patients, the demand for nursing care is continuously expanding. Family caregivers often assume the primary nursing role, and long-term heavy nursing tasks can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, anxiety, depression and other psychological issues, as well as negatively affecting patients' recovery and quality of life. Benefit finding for caregivers is a series of positive changes that occur during the caregiving process, which can help reduce the negative emotions of caregivers and promote patients' recovery. This article reviews the benefit finding for stroke caregivers, aiming to provide a reference for improving the quality of care and mental health of stroke caregivers.
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