陈超 ,聂郁林 ,陆心恬 ,林玥伶 ,龙颖 ,李金声.改良线栓法建立SD大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注模型[J].神经损伤功能重建,2023,(10):569-573
Modified Thread Embolization Method for Establishment of Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Reper⁃fusion Model in SD Rats
中文关键词: 脑缺血再灌注  颈外动脉  伊文思蓝染色  TTC染色
英文关键词: cerebral ischemia-reperfusion  external carotid artery  Evans blue staining  TTC staining
陈超1 ,聂郁林2 ,陆心恬1 ,林玥伶1 ,龙颖1 ,李金声1 1. 深圳市人民医院 高压氧科 2. 深圳市龙岗区第 二人民医院高压氧 室 
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      目的:建立一种SD大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注改良模型,以降低模型制备难度,提高模型的稳定性。 方法:SD雄性大鼠30只,随机分为模型组24只和假手术组6只。采用经改良的颈外动脉进线栓法建立模 型,并通过神经功能缺损评分、伊文思蓝(EB)染色及TTC染色进行综合评价。结果:该改良方法建模成功 率为87.5%,梗死区可明显看到EB渗出,TTC染色显示梗死体积占大脑总体积的(10.65±4.41)%。结论:经 改良后,明确了颈总动脉结扎位置,以及颈外动脉结扎、剪断位置,采用颈外动脉残端直接进线栓建立模 型,降低了模型制备难度,提高了模型的稳定性和成功率。
      To establish a modified thread embolization method for the establishment of a model of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in SD rats, to reduce the difficulty of model establishment and improve the stability of the model. Methods: Thirty male SD rats were randomly divided into a model group of 24 and a sham operation group of 6. The modified external carotid artery approach was used to establish the model, and comprehensive evaluations were performed by using neurological function scores, Evans blue (EB) staining, and TTC staining. Results: The successful rate of model establishment was 87.5%, and obvious EB extravasation could be observed in the infarction zone, and the infarction volume accounted for (10.65 ± 4.41)% of the total brain volume according to TTC staining. Conclusion: After modification, the location of ligation of common carotid artery and external carotid artery, as well as the cutting position of external carotid artery were clarified. Direct application of the remaining external carotid artery to establish the model reduced the difficulty of model establishment, improved the stability and increased the success rate of the model.
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