朱凯轩 ,张通,.昼夜节律紊乱与神经退行性变性疾病相关性的研究进展[J].神经损伤功能重建,2023,(9):522-525
Development in the Correlation between Circadian Rhythm Disorder and NeurodegenerativeDiseases
中文关键词: 昼夜节律紊乱  阿尔茨海默病  帕金森病  亨廷顿舞蹈病  多系统萎缩
英文关键词: Circadian rhythm dysfunction  Alzheimer's disease  Parkinson's disease  Huntington's disease  multiple system atrophy
基金项目:中央级公益性科研 院所基本科研业务 费 专 项 基 金(No. 2020CZ-7); 中国康复研究中心 项目(No. 2019ZX- 12)
朱凯轩1 ,张通1,2 1. 首都医科大学康 复医学院 2. 中国康复研究中 心北京博爱医院 
摘要点击次数: 983
全文下载次数: 1210
      神经退行性变性疾病是一类以神经元退行性变性、丢失为主的慢性进行性神经系统疾病,包括阿尔 茨海默病、帕金森病、亨廷顿舞蹈病和多系统萎缩等。尽管这些疾病发病机制和典型表现不同,但都出现 昼夜节律紊乱。昼夜节律是生物体存在的24 h节律,参与调控机体生理过程,昼夜节律紊乱会导致激素分 泌异常、致病蛋白积累和神经退行性改变,加速疾病进展。本文对昼夜节律紊乱与神经退行性变性疾病的 相关性进行论述。
      Neurodegenerative diseases are a group of chronic progressive neurological diseases mainly characterized by neuronal degeneration and loss, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and multiple system atrophy. Although the pathogenesis and typical manifestations of these diseases are different, they all present dysfunction in circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is a 24-hour rhythm that exists in the organism and is involved in regulating the physiological processes of the organism. Disruption of circadian rhythm can lead to abnormal hormone secretion, accumulation of pathogenic proteins, and neurodegenerative changes, accelerating the disease progression. This paper discusses the correlation between circadian rhythm disorder and neurodegenerative diseases.
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