刘梦婷 ,张淑芳, ,周春燕.儿童期逆境与中学生自杀风险的关系[J].神经损伤功能重建,2023,(2):80-83
Relationship between Childhood Adversity and Suicide Risk in Middle School Students
中文关键词: 儿童期逆境  自杀风险  中学生
英文关键词: childhood adversity  suicide risk  middle school students
基金项目:国家社会科学基金 项目(No. 19BSH1 66)
刘梦婷1 ,张淑芳2,1 ,周春燕1 1. 中 国 地 质 大 学 (武汉)教育研究院 心理学系 2. 华中科技大学同 济医学院附属武汉 市精神卫生中心 
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      目的:探讨儿童期逆境(ACE)与中学生自杀风险的关系,为预防中学生自杀行为发生提供依据。方 法:选取中部某省12所学校中学生4807名,采用项目组修订的ACE问卷(ACE-IQ)评估其遭遇的儿童期逆 境;项目组在参考简明国际神经精神访谈(MINI)中文版自杀风险分量表的基础上,增加12个月内及成长 中的自杀风险评估题项,并采用此修订的自编自杀风险评估问卷评价自杀风险。采用独立样本t检验和单 因素方差分析比较不同人口学特征学生的自杀风险总分差异;采用皮尔逊积差相关分析考察ACE 4个维度 与自杀风险的相关性;运用多因素Logistic回归模型分析ACE 4个维度与自杀风险的关联。结果:中学生 群体中,近1个月内存在自杀风险者为830人,自杀风险检出率为17.27%;其中低程度自杀风险为431人 (9.0%),中度自杀风险161人(3.3%),高度自杀风险239人(5.0%)。自杀风险与ACE 4个维度得分均为显 著正相关(P<0.01),其中虐待与忽视和家庭外暴力与自杀风险相关性较高(r=0.236、0.243)。在调整年龄, 独生子女情况,性别和家庭经济状况的控制变量后,二元Logistic回归显示儿童虐待忽视、家庭功能障碍、 家庭缺失和家庭外暴力的OR值分别为2.193、1.589、1.408、2.524(均P<0.001)。结论:中学生自杀意念检 出率较高,ACE是中学生自杀风险的风险因素,在童年期遭遇家庭外暴力的中学生自杀风险更高。
      To provide evidence for the effective prevention of suicide in middle school students by exploring the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and suicide risk in them. Methods: A total of 4807 middle school students from 12 schools in a central province were selected. The revised Childhood Adversity Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) was used to assess their adverse childhood experiences. Based on the Chinese version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) suicide risk subscale, the project team added questions assessing the suicide risk within 12 months and throughout development. The revised suicide risk assessment questionnaire was used to evaluate the suicide risk of middle school students. Independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to compare the differences in suicide risk scores in students with different demographic characteristics. Pearson product difference correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlation between four dimensions of ACE and suicide risk. Multivariate Logistic regression modeling was used to analyze the correlation between four dimensions of ACE and suicide risk. Results: In the middle school students, 830 were at risk of suicide within one month, and the detection rate of suicide risk was 17.27%. In them, 431 (9.0%) had low suicide risk, 161 (3.3%) had moderate suicide risk, and 239 (5.0%) had high suicide risk. There was a significant positive correlation between the risk of suicide and the scores of the four dimensions of ACE (P<0.01), in which physical abuse and neglect and violence outside the family were highly correlated with suicide risk (r=0.236, 0.243). After controlling for age, only child status, gender, and family economic status, binary Logistic regression showed that the OR values of child abuse and neglect, family dysfunction, family absence, and violence outside the family were 2.193, 1.589, 1.408, and 2.524, respectively (all P<0.05). Con⁃ clusion: This study suggests that the detection rate of suicide ideation in middle school students is high. ACE is a risk factor for suicide risk in middle school students, and the suicide risk is higher in middle school students who experienced violence outside the family during childhood.
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