雷明, ,章军建 ,许康 ,吴冬梅.应用局部一致性方法探讨偏头痛不同时期脑区功能状态及与临床表现的关系[J].神经损伤功能重建,2023,(1):13-17
Assessing Relationship between Functional State of Brain Region and Clinical Manifestationsin Different Periods of Migraine with Regional Homogeneity
中文关键词: 偏头痛  局部一致性  脑功能
英文关键词: migraine  ReHo  brain function
基金项目:武汉市卫健委指导 项目(No. WX20Z 41)
雷明1,1 ,章军建2 ,许康1 ,吴冬梅3 1. 武汉市长江航运 总医院神经内科 2. 武汉大学中南医 院神经内科 3. 重庆医科大学第 一附属医院神经内 科 
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      目的:通过静息态功能磁共振局部一致性方法研究偏头痛患者不同时期脑区功能状态,并探讨其与 临床症状的关系。方法:纳入19例发作期偏头痛患者(发作组)、22例缓解期偏头痛患者(缓解组),以及22 例健康对照(对照组),采用静息态功能磁共振(rs-fMRI)扫描被试者,后处理采用局部一致性(ReHo)分析; 同时观察患者临床表现,以偏头痛发作频率及每次发作持续时间作为主要临床观察指标。用蒙特利尔认知 评估量表(MoCA)、简易智力状态检查量表(MMSE)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表 (HAMD)评测神经心理状态。结果:发作组的MoCA评分较其他2组低,发作组和缓解组的HAMA、HAMD 评分较对照组高(P<0.01)。缓解组与对照组相比,ReHo值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与对照组相比, 发作组双侧边缘叶、背外侧额上回、扣带回、岛盖部额下回、岛叶、左侧额中回、左侧前扣带回、杏仁核等脑区 ReHo值较低(P<0.01)。与发作组对比,缓解组的右侧边缘叶、岛叶、右侧扣带回、背外侧额上回、尾状核、 补充运动区、左侧海马、左侧额叶、颞上回、丘脑、右侧额中回ReHo值高(P<0.01)。MNI坐标值(18,-12, 33)脑区(岛叶和扣带回)的ReHo值与偏头痛患者的发作频率及头痛持续时间呈正相关。结论:偏头痛影响 情绪和认知。偏头痛患者发作期多个脑区的ReHo值较对照组和缓解组脑局部一致性减弱,感兴趣区域 MNI坐标值(18,-12,33)脑区的ReHo值与偏头痛患者的发作频率及头痛持续时间呈正相关,主要涉及岛 叶、扣带回。
      To research functional status of brain regions in migraine patients at different stages by using resting functional magnetic resonance (fMRI), and to explore its relationship with clinical symptoms. Methods: Nineteen active migraine patients were included in the episode group, 22 patients in remission were included in the remission group, and 22 healthy controls were included in the control group. Scanning of all subjects was performed with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), and post-processing was completed using regional homogeneity (ReHo) analysis. The frequency and duration of migraine were taken as the main clinical observation indexes. The Montreal cognitive assessment scale (MoCA), simple mental state examination (MMSE), Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA), and Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) were used to measure cognition and neuropsychological state. Results: MoCA score in the episode group was lower than those in the other two groups, while HAMA and HAMD scores in the episode group and remission group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.01). Compared with that of the control group, the ReHo value of the remission group had no significant difference (P>0.05). Compared with that of the control group, the ReHo value in the bilateral lobe, dorsolateral frontal gyrus, cingulate, pars opercularis, insula, left middle frontal gyrus, left anterior cingulate, and amygdala were lower in the episode group (P<0.01). Compared with that of the episode group, the ReHo value in the right limbic lobe, insula, right cingulate gyrus, dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus, caudate nucleus, supplementary motor area, left hippocampus, left frontal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, thalamus, and right middle frontal gyrus were higher in the remission group (P<0.01). The ReHo value of the MIN coordinate (18, -12, 33) brain region (include the insula and cingulate gyrus) was positively correlated with attack frequency and headache duration in migraine patients. Conclusion: Migraines affect mood and cognition. The ReHo values in multiple brain areas in the episode group were weaker than those in the control group and remission group. The MNI coordinate (18, -12, 33) ReHo values were positively correlated with clinical symptoms including the frequency of attack and headache duration, and mainly involved the insula and cingulate gyrus.
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