王永亮 ,贾坤平 ,袁珍 ,梁吉 ,祁美慧 ,吴咚咚 ,吴建丽.电针对慢性睡眠剥夺大鼠行为学及海马神经元形态学的影响[J].神经损伤功能重建,2021,16(4):187-190
Effects of Electro-Acupuncture on Rat Behavior and Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons inRats with Chronic Sleep Deprivation
中文关键词: 电项针  慢性睡眠剥夺  海马  旷场实验
英文关键词: electro-nape-acupuncture  chronic sleep deprivation  hippocampus  open field test
基金项目:黑龙江省中医 药管理局项目 (No. ZYH18-0 70); 黑龙江省自然 科学基金优秀 青年项目(No. YQ2020H029)
王永亮1 ,贾坤平2 ,袁珍2 ,梁吉2 ,祁美慧2 ,吴咚咚2 ,吴建丽2 1. 黑龙江中医 药大学附属第 三医院 2. 黑龙江中医 药大学 
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      目的:观察电项针对慢性睡眠剥夺(CSD)大鼠自主活动能力及海马CA1区和齿状回神经元形态结构的 影响。方法:将筛选出的24只Wistar大鼠随机分为大平台对照(TC)组、模型(M)组和电项针(ENA)组,每组8 只。采用多平台水环境法建立CSD模型,电项针组在造模21 d后电针项部两侧的风池和供血穴,20 min/次,共 14 d。每周称量大鼠体质量并计算变化差值。治疗14 d后,用旷场实验评估大鼠的自主探究行为,用HE染色 观察海马CA1区和齿状回神经元形态结构改变。结果:睡眠剥夺后,M组和ENA组大鼠体质量较TC组明显减 轻,干预后体质量逐渐增加,且ENA组体质量增加差值明显多于M组(P<0.01)。干预14 d后,M组大鼠中央 区滞留时间较TC组明显延长,行走总路程和中央区运动速度则显著下降(P<0.05);与M组相比,ENA组中央 区滞留时间缩短,行走总路程和运动速度均显著上升(P<0.05)。HE染色结果显示,TC组海马CA1区和齿状 回神经元排列有序,包膜完整,染色均一;M组锥体细胞和颗粒细胞数量减少,部分出现肿胀和坏死;ENA组神 经元数量增多,水肿减轻或消失。结论:电项针可以明显改善CSD模型大鼠的自主探究能力,并有保护海马 CA1区和齿状回受损神经元的作用。
      To observe the effects of electro-nape-acupuncture (ENA) on the autonomous activity and morphological changes of neurons in hippocampal CA1 area and dentate gyrus in rats with chronic sleep deprivation (CSD). Methods:Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into the tank control (TC) group, model (M) group, and electro-nape-acupuncture (ENA) group, with 8 rats per group. The CSD model was established by the multi-platform water environment method. ENA group rats were treated by electro-acupuncture to the Fengchi and Gongxue acupoints on both sides of the neck; treatment began 21 days after modeling and continued for 14 days at 20 min/session. The rats were weighed weekly, and the difference was calculated. After 14 days of treatment, the exploratory behavior of rats was evaluated by the open field test. The morphological changes of neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region and dentate gyrus were observed by HE staining. Results:After modeling, rats in the M group and ENA group showed significant weight loss compared with those in the TC group; their weight gradually in- creased after intervention, and the weight gain in the ENA group was significantly greater than that in the M group (P<0.01). The open field test data showed that, after 14 days of intervention rats in the M group spent a longer time in the center zone and were demonstrated a reduced walking distance and movement speed, compared with those in the TC group (P<0.01). Compared with those in the M group, rats in ENA group spent a shorter time in the center zone and showed an increased walking distance and movement speed (P<0.05). HE staining revealed orderly arranged neurons with intact capsules and uniform staining in the hippocampal CA1 and dentate gyrus of the TC group. In the M group, the number of pyramidal and granular cells was decreased, and some showed swelling and necrosis. In the ENA group, the number of neurons increased, and the swelling diminished or disappeared. Conclusion:ENA can significantly improve the autonomous activity of rats with CSD and protect the injured neurons in the hippocampal CA1 area and dentate gyrus.
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