孙润康 ,张晓祥 ,徐进 ,任宇飞 ,唐颖馨 ,潘超 ,张萍 ,杨卫东 ,张燕婷 ,唐洲平.基于5G技术的COVID-19方舱医院网络基础设施快速部署和应用探索[J].神经损伤功能重建,2021,16(1):9-11
Rapid Deployment of Information Infrastructure in COVID-19 Mobile Cabin Hospital Based on5G Technology
中文关键词: 5G  远程会诊  方舱医院  肺炎  COVID-19
英文关键词: 5G  remote consultation  cabin hospital  pneumonia  COVID-19
基金项目:华中科技大学新 型冠状病毒肺炎 应急科技攻关专 项 (No.2020kfyXGY J084)
孙润康1a ,张晓祥1a ,徐进1a ,任宇飞1a ,唐颖馨1b ,潘超1b ,张萍1b ,杨卫东2 ,张燕婷2 ,唐洲平1b 1. 华中科技大学 同济医学院附属 同济医院 a. 计算 机中心b. 神经 内科 2. 武汉盛博汇信 息技术有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 3568
全文下载次数: 3775
      2019年12月,由2019新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎疫情在武汉暴发,并迅速扩散到全国。华中科技大学 同济医学院附属同济医院基于5G网络技术快速部署了光谷方舱医院的信息化基础设施,实现了远程会诊平 台、移动查房、远程健康监护和无接触式配送服务等,不仅协助医疗团队实现了跨学科问诊、选择最佳治疗方 案、降低患者轻症转重症的比例,而且通过无接触式服务,为方舱医院患者提供了更好的医疗监护服务,降低 了医护人员和后勤人员感染的风险,提高了疫情防治效率,同时为其他医院应对疫情的信息化改造工作提供 了参考。
      In December 2019, corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) broke out in Wuhan. Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology quickly deployed 5G network technology in the Optics Valley Mobile Cabin Hospital, which realized services such as remote consultation platform, mobile rounds, remote health monitoring and contactless distribution. It not only assisted the medical team to achieve interdisciplinary consultation, choose the best treatment plan, reduce the proportion of patients with mild to severe illness, but also reduced the risk of infection to medical staff and logistics staff through contactless services. Moreover, it improved the efficiency of epidemic prevention and control, as well as providing a reference for other hospitals to respond to the informatization in epidemic situations.
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