Investigation on Cognition of Protective Constraint and Related Influencing Factors inNeurology Intensive Care Unit
中文关键词: 神经重症监护  保护性约束  授权委托人  认知
英文关键词: neurology intensive care  protective constraint  authorized delegates  cognition
梅翠红,李玲 华中科技大学同济 医学院附属同济医 院神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 2587
全文下载次数: 2803
      目的:调查神经内科重症监护患者的授权委托人对保护性约束的认知状况,并进行相关影响因素分 析。方法:选取NICU住院患者的授权委托人423 例,通过问卷调查的方式收集数据,分析影响授权委托人 对保护性约束认知的主要背景因素,包括宣教、性别、年龄、教育背景以及与患者的关系。结果:83.2%的调 查对象接受保护性约束,其中约23.1%因为宣教改变态度。受试者根据性别、年龄、教育背景、亲属关系的差 异比较表明,以上因素影响受试者对保护性约束的态度,降低委托人接受程度的因素包括女性、高龄、低学 历和父母。结论:神经内科重症监护室患者的授权委托人对保护性约束的态度存在明显差异,应根据授权 委托人的背景特征进行宣教以提升认知度和依从性。
      To investigate the cognition of protective constraint of the authorized delegates of patients admitted to the neurology intensive care unit and analyze related influencing factors. Methods: A questionnaire survey was administered to 423 authorized delegates of patients in the neurology intensive care unit. Influencing factors of cognition on protective constraint of the delegates, including health propaganda exposure, gender, age, education level, and relationship with patients, were collected for analysis. Results: Of all the delegates, 83.2% accepted protective constraint, and of these, 23.1% had decided to accept after receiving health propaganda. There was a significant difference in gender, age, education level, and relationship with patients, and these factors influenced the delegates’view on protective constraint. Being female, greater age, low education level, and parents were factors that decreased acceptance of protective constraint. Conclusion: The authorized delegates of patients admitted to the neurology intensive care unit showed significant difference in attitude towards protective constraint. Identifying the background and influencing factors then introducing health propaganda promotes heightened cognition and compliance.
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