Clinical Study on Sexual Life of Young and Middle-Aged Stroke Patients
中文关键词: 中青年  脑卒中  性生活受损  危险因素
英文关键词: young stroke patients  stroke  sexual dysfunction  risk factors
盛鑫,黄晓江 华中科技大学同济 医学院附属同济医 院神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 3264
全文下载次数: 3385
      目的:调查中青年脑卒中患者的性生活质量,探讨导致卒中患者性生活受损的可能原因。方法:从 2014 年10 月至2015 年1 月在门诊复诊的73 例(18 岁≤年龄≤55 岁)脑出血或脑梗死患者中,共获得49 份问 卷,调查患者对性生活的态度、卒中前后性生活情况,比较患者在卒中发病前后性生活状态改变情况,并通 过收集患者医疗信息了解造成性生活受损的可能原因。结果:多数患者在卒中后出现性生活质量受损,包 含性欲下降、性生活频率降低,男性勃起功能及女性阴道润滑情况均有不同程度降低,患者对性生活满意度 下降,并对性生活重视程度降低。合并高血压病、服用ACEI/ARB类降压药及对卒中复发的担心等因素与 性生活受损显著相关。结论:在中青年卒中患者中,性生活受损现象严重,与多种因素相关。
      To determine the impact of stroke on sexual life quality and to discuss the possible factors leading to its deterioration in stroke patients. Methods: Completed questionnaires were obtained from 49 of the 73 cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction patients (ages between 18 and 55) in our out-hospital department from October 2014 to January 2015. Patient attitude towards sex and changes in sexual life condition before and after stroke was examined through questionnaires. Furthermore, patient medical records to investigate possible causes of sexual dysfunction were reviewed. Results: A majority of patients reported deterioration of quality of sexual life including a marked decline in libido, sexual frequency, erectile function in men, and vaginal lubrication in women. Patients also reported decreased satisfaction in and placing less importance on sexual life. Through comprehensive analysis, risk factors of sexual dysfunction were identified to be hypertension, use of hypertension drugs such as ACEI/ARBs, and anxiety about stroke recurrence. Conclusion: Sexual impairment in young to middle-aged post-stroke patients is common and related to many contributing factors.
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