Ultrasound Diagnosis of Unilateral Ulnar Neuropathy: Reliability Study of UsingAsymptomatic Side Ulnar Nerve Cross-Sectional Area as a Reference Value to AssessAffected Side Ulnar Neuropathy
中文关键词: 超声  尺神经  横截面积  参考值
英文关键词: ultrasound  ulnar nerve  cross-sectional area  reference value
胡培1a,朱昱亭2a,李治峰1b,郑光美1a,胡天鑫1a,曾小军1b,王云甫3 1. 十堰市人民医院(湖北医药学院附属人民医院)a.超声影像中心b.脊柱外科2. 十堰市太和医院a.神经内科b.骨关节科3. 湖北医药学院 
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      目的:探讨利用无症状侧的尺神经横截面积作为参考值来评价患侧尺神经厚度变化的方法是否有 效。方法:收集单侧尺神经病变患者47 例为病变组,选取同期招募正常志愿者60 例为对照组,利用高频超 声测量尺神经横截面积,比较病变组无症状侧与对照组的差异性,病变组治愈后再次用超声复查无症状侧 尺神经横截面积,并与对照组比较差异性。结果:病变组无症状侧4 个位置的尺神经横截面积与对照组比 较差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05);治愈后,病变组无症状侧尺神经横截面积与对照组对比差异无统计学意 义(P>0.05)。结论:单侧尺神经病变患者的无症状侧也可能存在一定程度的病变,使用无症状侧的尺神经 横截面积作为参考值来评估患侧的方法有限制。
      To investigate the effectiveness of using the cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve on the asymptomatic side as a reference value to assess changes in the thickness of the affected ulnar nerve in unilateral ulnar neuropathy patients. Methods: A total of 47 patients with unilateral ulnar neuropathy and 60 normal volunteers were recruited to the study as the observation group and control group, respectively. High-frequency ultrasound was used to measure the cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve, and the differences between the asymptomatic side in the observation group and the control group was compared. After the observation group was cured, the cross-sectional area of the asymptomatic side ulnar nerve was reexamined by ultrasound and compared with the control group for significant difference. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve at four sites on the asymptomatic side of the observation group compared with the control group (P<0.05). After patients were cured, there was no significant difference in the cross-sectional area of the asymptomatic side ulnar nerve between the observation group and the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion: The asymptomatic side of patients with unilateral ulnar neuropathy might also have lesions to some degree. The use of the cross-sectional area of the asymptomatic side ulnar nerve as a reference value to assess ulnar neuropathy on the affected side is limited.
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