陈金慧 ,于子夫 ,高世爱 ,冷晓轩 ,曹新燕 ,刘西花.脑卒中患者呼吸肌功能障碍及康复治疗研究进展[J].神经损伤功能重建,2025,(知网首发):
Research Progress in Respiratory Muscle Dysfunction and Rehabilitation Treatment in StrokePatients
中文关键词: 脑卒中  呼吸肌功能障碍  康复  声学分析  体外膈肌起搏  呼吸肌训练
英文关键词: stroke  respiratory muscle dysfunction  rehabilitation  acoustic analysis  external diaphragm pacing  respiratory muscle training
基金项目:山东省中医药科技 项目(循经点穴对 脑卒中后痉挛状态 的临床疗效及机制 研究,No. M-20231 42);山东省医务职 工科技创新计划项 目(针刺同步康复 对脑卒中后肢体功 能障碍的临床疗效 研究,No. SDYWZ GKCJH2022024)
陈金慧1 ,于子夫2 ,高世爱1 ,冷晓轩1 ,曹新燕1 ,刘西花3 1. 山东中医药大学 康复医学院 2. 山东省立第三医 院康复医学部 3. 山东中医药大学 附属医院康复科 
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      呼吸肌功能障碍是脑卒中的常见并发症,会导致患者呼吸肌力量下降、萎缩,增加肺部感染发生率,增 加患者非血管性死亡的风险。本文就脑卒中呼吸肌功能障碍的机制、主要评估方法及康复手段进行综述, 以期为脑卒中呼吸肌功能障碍临床康复及研究提供参考。分析表明,脑卒中可因中枢神经系统原发病变、 神经肌肉继发损伤及医源性损伤导致呼吸肌功能障碍发生;临床常用的评估手段有超声、咳嗽峰值流速、肺 通气功能指标测定、呼吸力学指标测定、电生理检查等,声学分析可作为未来可视化评估与指导呼吸康复的 手段之一;临床常用康复手段有体外膈肌起搏器、神经肌肉电刺激、本体感觉神经肌肉促进疗法、气道管理、 呼吸肌训练等,电动起立床可作为重症患者预防感染及改善呼吸肌功能的手段之一。
      Respiratory muscle dysfunction is a common complication of stroke, which can lead to decreased strength and atrophy of the respiratory muscles, increased incidence of pulmonary infection, and increased risk of non-vascular death in patients. This paper reviews the mechanisms, main assessment methods, and rehabilitation approaches for respiratory muscle dysfunction in stroke patients, in order to provide references for clinical rehabilitation and research on respiratory muscle dysfunction in stroke patients. The analysis shows that stroke can cause respiratory muscle dysfunction due to primary lesions in the central nervous system, secondary neuromuscular injury, and iatrogenic injury; commonly used clinical assessment methods include ultrasound, peak cough flow, pulmonary ventilation function tests, respiratory mechanics indexes measurement, electrophysiological examination, etc. Acoustic analysis can be used as one of the future visualization assessment and guidance for respiratory rehabilitation. Commonly used clinical rehabilitation approaches include external diaphragm pacing, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, airway management, respiratory muscle training, etc. The electric standing bed can be used as one of the means to prevent infection and improve respiratory muscle function in critically ill patients.
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