吴隆鑫, ,刘卓群, ,孙晓红, ,周岩, ,徐群渊 ,雷慧萌,.性别差异对野生型C57小鼠条件性恐惧消退的影响[J].神经损伤功能重建,2025,(知网首发):
Effects of Sex Differences on Conditioned Fear Extinction in Wild-Type C57 Mice
中文关键词: 恐惧消退  性别差异  条件性恐惧  消退检索  僵直  恐惧学习
英文关键词: fear extinction  sex differences  conditioned fear  extinction retrieval  freezing  fear conditioning
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 项目(眶额皮层三 种GABA能中间神 经元亚类在强迫症 反转学习障碍中的 不同作用及环路机 制,No. 82271550; 眶额皮层-纹状体 环路在强迫症反转 学习障碍中的作用 及机制,No. 31970 949);京市教育委 员会科学研究计划 项目(眶额皮层抑 制性中间神经元亚 类特异性功能异常 导致强迫症认知灵 活性减退的不同机 制,No. KZ202210 025029)
吴隆鑫1,2 ,刘卓群1,2 ,孙晓红1,2 ,周岩1,2 ,徐群渊1 ,雷慧萌1,2 1. 首都医科大学基 础医学院神经生物 学系 2. 首都医科大学儿 童癫痫与认知发育 基础临床联合实验 室 
摘要点击次数: 55
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      目的:探究雌性和雄性C57野生型小鼠在条件性恐惧消退实验中是否存在行为学上的差异,为在恐惧 学习与消退相关研究中平等使用不同性别的小鼠提供参考。方法:通过声音介导的条件性恐惧学习、消退、 检索实验,检测条件刺激呈现时的恐惧水平、僵直次数、单次僵直的恐惧水平以及运动能力等指标,比较不同 性别小鼠之间的行为学差异。结果:在条件性恐惧学习和消退实验中,雌性和雄性小鼠在4个行为学指标上 无显著差异;条件性恐惧检索实验中雌性小鼠在第1次条件刺激呈现时单次僵直恐惧水平更高,其余行为学 指标无显著差异。 结论:不同性别的C57 野生型小鼠在条件性恐惧学习和消退实验中没有行为学差异,可 平等地用于研究中;在对恐惧消退记忆的维持能力上雌性和雄性小鼠可能存在差异,在恐惧记忆研究中要谨 慎使用。
      To investigate whether behavioral differences exist between female and male wild-type C57 mice in conditioned fear extinction experiments, providing a reference for the equal use of both sexes in fear conditioning and extinction-related studies. Methods: Fear levels, freezing episodes, freezing level per episode, and locomotor activity during conditioned stimulus presentation were measured through auditory-cued fear conditioning, extinction, and retrieval experiments. Behavioral differences between sexes were compared. Results: In fear conditioning and extinction experiments, no significant differences were observed between female and male mice across the four behavioral metrics. During the fear extinction retrieval test, female mice exhibited a higher freezing level per episode upon the first conditioned stimulus presentation, while no significant differences were found in other metrics. Conclusion: Wild-type C57 mice of both sexes show no behavioral differences in fear conditioning and extinction experiments, supporting their equal use in such studies. However, potential sex-based differences in the ability to maintain extinction memory suggest caution when investigating fear memory retention.
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